Home-Grown CBD Seasoning for DB Foods Sundries

Within a year of announcing its partnership with Beize Food Group’s allergen-free ‘Dutch Spices’, DB Foods is once again expanding its sundries range with its first in-house CBD seasoning and marinades.

Having gained considerable momentum in the health and wellness sector in recent years, Cannabidiol oil, commonly known as CBD oil, is proving a popular natural remedy for many ailments derived from the cannabis plant.

Now, after going through the appropriate licensing channels and devoting factory space to its first ever horticultural project, DB Foods is proud to be launching its new CBD marinade and seasoning range.

‘It has made a welcome addition to our core activity, receiving and processing meat,’ says DB Foods’ CEO Gary Smith. ‘Under the supervision of some trusted advisers, growing plants and having greenery around has proven a popular and relaxing change for staff within our business.’

Entitled the ‘Aroma Range’, the CBD oil rub and dried herb seasoning mix are already proving a hit with DB Foods customers, with orders from butcher shops across the UK.

‘Apart from making an enjoyable way to consume a natural remedy for pain relief, the cooking process can create a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere to a Sunday afternoon in any family kitchen,’ says Gary. ‘Our tagline is ‘Oven on, Chill Out’.’

For more information about ordering from DB Foods ‘Aroma Range’ or any of the firm’s sundries, call 01202 238200.