We offer an extensive range of the finest quality products. The bulk of our wholesale game products are sourced within the UK. The Venison selection originates from the New Forest and England’s other ancient forests and the Scottish Highlands, while game birds come from local shoots. The British game is the ultimate in natural ‘free range’.
The British game season starts on 12 August with Grouse, followed by partridge, pheasant and other game birds from September, and rabbit and venison from November. We can supply the majority of products all year round in carcass, oven ready or portion control form.
Below is a range of products we can supply, however, our skill and flexibility allow for a completely bespoke offering, should that be required. Contact our sales team for more details.

Available Products
Game Pie Mix
Goose Breast
Goose Fat
Goose Whole
Guinea Fowl
Guinea Fowl Supremes
Guinea Fowl Whole
Partridge Whole
Pheasant Breast
Pheasant Whole
Pigeon Breast
Pigeon Whole
Rabbit Diced
Rabbit Haunch
Rabbit Legs
Rabbit Whole
Venison & Red Wine Sausages
Venison Diced
Venison Fillet
Venison Haunch
Venison Saddle
Venison Steaks
Venison Striploin
Venison Trim
Wild Boar Saddles
Wild Boar Steaks
Wild Boar Trim
Wild Boar and Apple Sausages
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Health Benefits
There are real health benefits to eating game. Venison is high in protein, low in saturated fatty acids and contains higher levels of iron than any other red meat. Pheasant and partridge also contain a high level of iron, protein, vitamin B6 and selenium, which helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is your game sourced from?
We predominately source our game from the UK, with our venison being sourced from Ireland.
What cuts of venison do you do?
We produce saddles and haunches, typically two per case.
Do you do boneless venison?
Yes, we sell it trim, diced and can also produce boneless haunches.
Do you sell goat?
Yes, we sell bone in diced and 6-way cut (whole goat into primal cuts, boxed).
When do you start selling game birds?
The British game season starts on 12 August with grouse, followed by partridge, pheasant and other game birds from September, and rabbit and venison from November. We stock a wide range for the festive period. We also hold frozen stocks all year round.