We have been the forerunner in bringing exotics to the UK market and have pioneered new products from kangaroo to fresh ostrich.  Across the range we can offer calibrated portion control steaks with year round availability.

Below is a range of products we can supply, however, our skill and flexibility allow for a completely bespoke offering, should that be required.  Contact our sales team for more details.

Available Products

Ostrich Rump Steaks

Ostrich Fillet Steaks

Ostrich Steaks in Marrakesh sauce

Ostrich steak kebabs

Water Buffalo Trim

Water Buffalo Fillet

Zebra Steaks

Zebra Steaks

Bison Steaks

Camel Steaks

Alpaca Steaks

Kangaroo fillet Steaks

Kangaroo Rumps

Crocodile Steaks

Ostrich and Apple

Wild Boar and Apple

Zebra and Apple

Alpaca and Apple

Bison and Onion


Kangaroo and Onion

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